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Specified Area Rate

In February 2016, BBRA submitted a request to City of Joondalup (CoJ) for Specified Area Rate (SAR) to be considered for the PEET Burns Beach Development area. CoJ Council voted unanimously to adopt SAR on 18th April 2017. Only properties in the "new" Burns Beach pay SAR as the residents of the "original" Burns Beach opted out of the arrangement. SAR was implemented on 1st July 2017.

SAR is calculated according to the rated value of each property. These rates, calculated by CoJ, are used to maintain the parks and common areas to a higher standard than would otherwise be done by CoJ.

SAR Contracts

The Service Level Agreement between BBRA and CoJ is a three-year contract that outlines the areas and higher garden maintenance levels.​ The annual Service Review between BBRA and CoJ is a contract that outlines the service areas and the associated costs that are agreed upon.

A private landscape maintenance contractor is appointed by CoJ to maintain SAR areas in accordance with the above contracts. The contractors are managed by and report directly to CoJ.

BBRA monitors the performance of CoJ and their landscape maintenance contractor, ensuring delivery of SAR services is in full compliance with the SAR Agreement between CoJ and BBRA. 

BBRA continuously strives to ensure that the SAR budget, which is reviewed annually by BBRA and CoJ, maintains costs at a reasonable level. This has been an ongoing challenge, noting that the total areas of garden beds and turf, covered by SAR, have increased substantially since the implementation of SAR and will continue to increase as new areas are developed.

How are the SAR funds allocated/spent?

SAR funds are allocated to the following services:

  • Mowing (including trimming)

  • Collection and disposal of grass clipping

  • Garden scheduled maintenance

  • Mulching

  • Infill Planting

  • Turf, soil, leaf tissues, parasite, moisture analysis and reporting

  • Application of wetting agent

  • Application of fertiliser

A large portion of the SAR funds is used to mow the turf areas more frequently than would otherwise be done. Turf treatments and weed control are also carried out more regularly to ensure the turf is kept in a healthy condition.

In addition to regular ongoing maintenance the BBRA SAR team, with the City of Joondalup, identifies areas that need to be upgraded and allocate the available SAR funds (infill planting) accordingly. A portion of these funds is used to enhance designated areas where the original landscaping has aged and needs to be replaced. The more highly visible areas get priority, but we are aware of the needs to attend all areas within SAR.

Burns Beach SAR 2024-25 maps





SAR funds are only spent within the SAR designated areas and are not used to maintain residents' verges. These are the responsibility of the homeowner and must be kept in accordance with the City of Joondalup's Verge Maintenance Guidelines.


Reporting issues

Should you have any issues with a City asset or landscapes, please contact CoJ at Please also copy Burns Beach Residents Association at so we can ensure the issues are attended to.

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